Law Offices of Paul B. Justi

Employment Law

Employment Law Attorney in California

Employment law covers all rights and obligations between employers and employees and includes current employees, job applicants, and former employees. Employment law in California is complex and constantly evolving. While there are federal and statewide laws and statutes protecting both employees and employers, some choose to neglect their obligations and ignore the legal repercussions. This means that both employers and employees may have to navigate a wide range of legal issues, from wage and hour disputes to discrimination claims. 

Fortunately, an experienced employment attorney can help both parties understand their rights and obligations under California law. Attorney Paul B. Justi is experienced in negotiating, mediating, and litigating agreements and disputes across the entire spectrum. His counsel ensures knowledge of the constantly changing statutes and laws governing this complex practice area and a personalized approach to your needs. This practice area includes discrimination based on age , race and other factors, wrongful termination, sexual harassment, wage issues and others as well as work agreements between employees and employers.


Another important area of employment law in California is discrimination. The state has some of the strongest anti-discrimination laws in the country, protecting employees from discrimination based on a wide range of factors including race, gender, age, disability status, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, and more.

Employment attorneys can help both employers and employees navigate these complex laws. For employers, this may involve developing policies that prevent discrimination in hiring or promotion decisions. For employees who believe they have been discriminated against at work, an attorney can help them understand their legal options for pursuing justice.

Wrongful Termination

Wrongful termination in California occurs when an employer fires an employee for illegal reasons, such as discrimination based on race, gender, age, religion, or disability. Other examples of wrongful termination include retaliation for whistleblowing or reporting harassment, breach of contract, and firing an employee for taking protected leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or the California Family Rights Act (CFRA). 

California is an at-will employment state, which means that employers can terminate employees at any time and for any reason that is not illegal. However, if an employer violates state or federal laws by firing an employee, the employee may have grounds to file a wrongful termination lawsuit.

Wage and Hour Regulations

One of the most important areas of employment law in California is wage and hour regulations. The state has some of the strictest laws in the country when it comes to minimum wage, overtime pay, meal and rest breaks, and other related issues. Employers who fail to comply with these regulations can face significant penalties, including fines and lawsuits.

An employment attorney can help employers ensure that they are in compliance with all applicable wage and hour laws. This may involve reviewing payroll records, advising on proper classification of employees as exempt or non-exempt, and helping to develop policies that ensure compliance with state regulations.

Employees who believe that they have been denied proper wages or breaks may also benefit from working with an employment attorney. These attorneys can help workers understand their rights under California law and pursue legal action against employers who violate those rights.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is another area where employment attorneys can be invaluable resources for both employers and employees. In California, sexual harassment is illegal under both state and federal law. Employers are required to take steps to prevent harassment from occurring in the workplace and must respond promptly and effectively to any reports of harassment.

An employment attorney can help employers develop policies and training programs that prevent sexual harassment from occurring in the workplace. They can also provide guidance on how to respond to reports of harassment and investigate allegations of misconduct.

Employees who have experienced sexual harassment at work may also benefit from working with an employment attorney. These attorneys can help victims understand their legal options for pursuing justice, including filing a complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing or filing a lawsuit against their employer.

Finally, employment attorneys can also assist with other legal issues related to employment, such as breach of contract and retaliation claims. These attorneys can help both employers and employees understand their rights and obligations under California law and work to resolve disputes in a fair and efficient manner.

Contact us for a consultation now!

Whether you are an employer seeking to ensure compliance with state regulations or an employee seeking justice for workplace misconduct, an employment attorney can be an invaluable resource for navigating the complex world of California employment law. Attorney Paul B. Justi can help you understand your rights and obligations under California law.